Yes, you read that right.
Your scale is lying to you.
Wake up. Step on the scale. >>> Don’t like what you see.
Step off. Take off your clothes. Step back on the scale. >>> Still not what you were hoping for.
Step off. Sit on the toilet. Hop back on the scale. >>> Still. Not. Good. Enough.
Your day just started off a total disappointment, and it hasn’t even started yet...
That number means something to you. It’s important. I get that and appreciate the power that number holds even though it rarely tells the truth.
So you go through the day, trying to forget about the morning weigh-in routine. The day went well. You give yourself a high-five . It was hard, but you chose the salad at lunch, even though it wasn’t what you really wanted. You said no to the 3:30pm chocolate temptation. Surely, surely this made a difference!
You get home and run straight for the scale, full of excitement.
“How the heck did I gain 4 Pounds?!?!?”
Cue the spiral.
You grab that chocolate bar, ditch the workout - There’s no hope and nothing you do seems to matter.
You’ve “gained weight” but lost perspective.
There are numerous reasons the number on the scale has gone up. But here’s what you want to focus on:
4 pounds of fat is roughly 14,000 calories. That means you’d have to overeat by 14,000 calories OR roughly 26 Big Mac Burgers to actually gain 4 pounds of fat. The vast majority of us don’t even consume that many calories in an entire week.
The day-to-day and hour-to-hour weight fluctuations are normal parts of biology and they don’t reflect your progress. The scale merely shows you your total body mass.
You may have “gained weight” and in the process, you lost perspective.
We all know this process takes time. Some days there are steps forward. Some days there are steps back. But through it all, keep your perspective.
So, challenge yourself. Find one day a week to step on that scale, if that’s how you want to measure.
What day will be your measurement day?